The voices in my head, please go a.w.a.y The voices in my head, please give back my brain The voices in my head, find someone else to feed your h.a.t.e The voices in my head, please let me be m.y.s.e.l.f
You are jealous, that's not o.k.a.y You are lazy, yet always you c.o.m.p.l.a.i.n You act victim, yet you are first one to draw the b.l.a.d.e You eat my brain, yet you act you keep me safe
The voices in my head, you are the one I t.r.u.l.y hate The voices in my head,Go to e.t.e.r.n.a.l hell The voices in my head, you are a c.o.w.a.r.d, hiding in my brain The voices in my head, I wish to see you d.e.a.d