NO! I can’t try my best I’ve spent my whole life trying my best and all I get is a pat on the back and stress
People always tell me I’ll place well if I just put in everything I have But the thing about giving everything is that you’re left with nothing I try to believe them I put in all I can spare and in return I get a sliver of confidence
But then the judging happens and I don’t even get an honorable mention My sliver of confidence get crushed And so do I.
Trying your best is like planting the seeds for a forest and dropping a Nuke on it Not only does it demolish what is growing, it destroys any possible growth for the foreseeable future
I learned the hard way that if you set the bar at the cosmos you’ll always be reaching for the stars but you’ll barely ever reach them instead you’re always second best
But… if you set the bar at the bottom you will ALWAYS reach your goal and you’ll almost always exceed your expectations
But maybe, just maybe It’s not the bad that matters
Maybe it’s the growth that sprouts from the ruins that matters the most
where the long lost seeds can resprout in their own time growing into something more wonderful then anything previously imagined
Maybe the new tress will finally allow me to breathe again To see the worth in trying, not just in winning
Sometimes what survives the Nuke, what thrives in the aftermath, is stronger than what was planted.