We built this house On a dirt road at the edge of the forest And between two coyotes dens So it’s hard to know if the howling at night Is sibling rivalry or civil war Serenade or sacrifice
The colonial maps and oral histories Note nothing of the hawk shadows That circle gopher families Hiding in the shade and roots of pine trees That have outlived pestilence and fire And the technicolor cowboy movies Of the early rings of their forgotten youth
Mule deer wander, agnostic Across the yard and out my gate To the mountain meadows above Without a second glance At the raccoons canvassing garbage cans Like a liberation militia Living off nothing but the knowledge That our intrusion is at most Transient or tourist Easily exploited; inevitably outlasted
These people don’t care about My earnest endeavours My myths and unreliable narration Of some special place for me and mine In this place of feral patterns and Cyclical time, and so I don’t exist To them at all, I’m just an alien, an anomaly Lost in space An insider looking out at outsiders Looking through, and Seeing only refractions of shadows Where I imagine I stand
I don’t lock my doors Against the post modern vigilantes Out here at night, when humanity ends But I probably should If only to remind myself Of all the strange things that I am, and All of the stranger things That I am not