I burn with the sun My bones blister, vitreous fluid thickens, heart explodes, coating my ribs with thick slabs of muscle. Even in the middle of Winter I feel my blood carbonate - the platelets popping against the walls of veins.
Walking South down Bell Street, the entire way I could feel my teeth melting down the back of my throat.
My friend came out to me when we turned the corner. When I asked her why, she said "Boys are from Mars, Women are from Venus. You know they haven't found water on Mars, right? You can drink women up." I told her that's not true Mars has water.  Outside the grocery store a bike tire sits chained to a lamp post, every now and then I try and shake it loose. It wasn't after I bent four spokes that I realized they found each other through neglect and forgetfulness.
That Summer I found out you killed yourself I stayed inside, Had play-dates with razor blades My bike tires went flat too.