How my mother described the pre-Me before I actually came into existence as the me-Me that I now am...she said she had see my smile. Then we sang GETTING TO KNOW YOU to each other from ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM.
I trawl backwards and forwards in time...anyway the poet's mind is never chronological....this is the long long ago told in the forever present...I am a young boy getting to aware mother as she was before talking on the life task of being my mother...I am aware of her as the person she was...all the different selves....I could talk freely to her about everything and anything...I was always interested in the who she was and the why she was....I saw her as person in her own right...she was telling me what it was like being pregnant with me and how she longed for me....this was her lovely description of carrying me....and it lives forever in my mind in the present tense wishing for the future to happen. She was a lady in waiting and here via words I get to wait along with her...for me! So this memory hangs timeless in my mind...devoid of time....having no need of time and its tenses....not obeying any law but the law of love that does not abide by time's rules.