I'm writing this poem because I'm ****** And upset and sad and really **** annoyed But mostly because I'm ****** I'm ****** because I try so ******* hard to get everything right Every single thing I am trying my absolute best To get it "all right" And for you, for all of you. And for some reason that is not good enough To you, I have let you down To you, I could have done better To you, I have failed. I try to make it through my day and there is a **** hurricane destroying my brain and I honestly can't take it anymore. And you know what makes me even more upset? The fact that you like it You, sitting at your computer You will click the heart and you will Like it Because this world tells you that Pain is beautiful to you Anxiety is complex and Emotional Destruction is Art And that ******* ****** me off, too. Emotional deterioration is not Art My insane hurricane of internal blame Is not for you to click the heart and "Like" it Or for you to share with your Facebook friends. Why don't you like the love poem? Or the psalm of happiness? Or the gentle, giggly limerick? Is that because we only see internal turmoil as beautiful now? What about rhymes of sunsets and silhouettes? And clandestine loves and clinking castanets? Where are their electronic hearts? Do those only belong to slitted wrists and broken heart plot twists? Well, that's not true And this ****** poem isn't for you. This ****** poem is for me and for what I feel and for what I create and for what I accomplish because what I make is beautiful and there are so many aspects of this life that are beautiful without being painful And that little red-clicked heart doesn't mean jack **** to me.
I usually do not write this abrasively or full of anger. This day has been long and hard and the hurricane doesn't want to be contained anymore. I apologize for any uncomfortable eyes.