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Oct 2013
I sure hope I never see you again.
Every time I do
it opens that
old can of worms.

I saw you once at a party,
when I was throwing up
on the bathroom walls
and you laughed at me
and I dreamt of you
for days.

One dream
you told me if I brought you
a human skull
you'd add me on Facebook.
All I could find were these
you knocked out of me.

In another you played
guitar on a staircase.
through a ring
and asked if I wanted to
play too.
Then you ripped the wires
out of the ring modulator
and jammed them between
my teeth.

I've never seen a can of worms,
but the way that you make me feel
whenever I remember you
is exactly the kind of
condensed slime
that makes up
the can of worms
that you are.
ryan pemberton
Written by
ryan pemberton  Canberra
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