Mrs. Havisham ran from her dream and into the arms
of her husband. she was trembling like a dying bird
held in the hand tears falling on it "Dearest...dearest!"
Mr. Havisham tried to cajoled her back to some kind of reality
"Oh, Mr. Havisham sir..!" she palpitated "I drempt I was on fire
and my world was all cobwebs and dust cobwebs and dust!"
"And, that... I was never married
and that I was but a character in a book by that Mr. Dickens!"
"Shhhhh...shhhhhh!" her husband shushed her
and she slept in his embrace as real as real
a ray of sunshine entered their room bowing before them
announcing in a loud morning voice "Your world........awaits you!"
I like fictional characters as they can be even further fictionalised! One can then give them other various possible possibilities and invent other futures...other lives for them and see how they unfurl themselves into whoever you make them be on just a passing whim. I've just wrote another called ROMEO &...MARY.
The title is of course my favourite quote of Miss H from the book but it always reminds me of a SAMUEL BECKETT line.