She stepped out of the shower,
an image in the mirror blurred by fog,
after she wiped it clean,
this is what she saw..
A girl, locks of ivory, cascading down over her shoulders.
A summer shroud, each tendril of inky hair was.
A set of green eyes, shimmering with hope,
these very eyes peering into a mirror's soul.
Her nose, softly sloping like a fresh snow on a hill,
perfectly shaped, something she could be proud of.
Her lips, gentle and ruby with heat,
luscious and forbidden to others.
Her shoulders, dipping into a gentle dance,
of her arms, long and perfectly slender.
Her chest with teenage spirit bursting seamlessly,
falling into a shaped stomach of soft curves.
Her legs, tall and elegant with grace,
resting into feet, too big for her body perhaps.
She looked in the mirror,
seeing a girl made of only perfection.
And this is when she came to realise,
the girl was her.
The mirror does not say who you are, you do.