I may never meet you in person... I may never know your name... I may never hear your voice... But that does not mean that I am incapable of understanding your pain.
This is not my teaching, but I must share it:
Imagine your trauma is but a glass of water. You pick up this glass and Hold it in front of you. A minute passes. Is the glass of water heavy? No, and that is normal. An hour passes, and your arm Begins to hurt. Three hours pass, and It becomes almost unbearable To hold the glass up. The longer you hold on to the glass, The heavier it seems to become. Yet, the amount of water remains the same. It is normal for the glass to not Feel heavy at first, Just as it is normal To think back On past traumas From time to time. But the longer you Hold on to these memories, And the more you think of them The heavier they seem to become.
The longer you hold on to something, The heavier it will feel. Just like the glass of water.