thought he was weird poor old guy constantly throwing off his sheets and blanket pulling the cases off his pillow would see him wiggling his feet and moving his arms as if reaching for something as he laid in bed
because of my deafness we never spoke but I would see him talking to the caregiver and nurses he didn’t eat or drink much a little eerie at first an old bald man with pale skin and not much life in him
one video call the caregiver smiled when she brought the phone to his bed it must have been a loved one but no one came for a visit
a table between our beds prevented a full body view but this morning his feet weren’t wiggling his arms weren’t reaching out thought he might still be asleep
at curiosity’s urging I sat up in my bed to take a peek his face was turned towards me couldn’t see the whites of his eyes like in the movies where the eyes turn all black his mouth was open as he lay there motionless a nurse came to check on him removed the velcroed cushioning from his feet and covered them with his sheet she didn’t bother to check his heart her stethoscope remained draped on her shoulders then quietly walked out of the room
took another peek to see if she covered his face she hadn’t arms at his side face straight up looking at the ceiling he laid in state in the royal position with a viewing party of one awaiting the coroner
death may seem sad but I was happy for him freed from the confines of a life where seemingly no one remembered him