the pride of being (she the knife thrower's assistant)
as well as wife.
A loud sea of applause.
She had run away to show business. He was exotic...the blindfolded knife thrower who swept her off her feet. Oh the roar of the grease paint the smell of the crowd. Now the circus was just the humdrum ordinary world and she was finding it get...into...her costume. She still found the act itself exciting especially those near misses. It was the only thing they ever had a row about. The whistle through the air and then the shocking suddenness of the arrival of the knife with its capitalised sharp exclamation point. . .TWAK! And when she was up she was up and when she was down she was...TWAK! It was always the knife between the legs that drew the biggest baited breath from both the audience and her self. She had to admit it still turned her on but there was dinner to think about and other mundane things like the baby's whooping cough. Oh the exotic...the ****** and the ordinariness as hubby went about his work.