Out of the concrete a rose bud sprung, like a bullet of justice birthed by a gun, From cracks in the pavement where shadows exist to a world like a riot it looked like a kiss in a time of despair a lone voice sang out to where angels wont dare a gunslinger rode out not for money but justice, never giving a name t'save freedom of speech his mouth he took aim, on a foundation of courageΒ Β his heart was built true he was outnumbered as he always knew flesh against blood he could not win but in a battle of spirit injustice gives in so our hero fell and no X marks the spot yet the mind of the witness never forgot a few times the world circled the sun,then it came like a fire, an uprising, for the man with no name, the battle won easy and speech was set free when the people unite the tyrant will flee the gunslingers name? you can not find these events lay ahead so dont look behind his fate, he saw, you ask how he knew? coz he read these words... could our hero be you?