We were in love since our seventeens Got married secretly at our twenty fours And our children left us alone at our Fourties Now we still have each other at seventies.
Let our heavenly home would get filled With the gallery of our own memories Let me to bring us a pen drive and Get it field with the sweet series of our past.
Let the keys of the piano get played On it's own for a lovely duet on our floor Let the scars on the walls of our hearts Go away with every blink in our eyes.
We would hangout with a long drive And halt the car in front of library You read to me the love novels then Travel back together with words.
Watch a romantic movie in the theatre, Have a cup of tea with the saffron suns, Our love never fades as the count of stars. Our transparency of Glass stays in still.
Let the children of ours, move off from Us, no need of them, becoz we are there for us. And let me bring a basket of roses To accompany the candled dinner light.
Then let me write to you the sorry and love You notes,if you're ever upset of me. Let the strings of the guitar vibrate To reply to our songs singing with mild sad.
But never and ever shed your beads of Blood from your eyes for our gone children. I will be there for you until death.