when i think about you not being here, i imagine outer space. no gravity spacetime and then rubbing your feet in a forest.
it's raining, but we have a straw roof. i'm obsessed with collecting the water and you're splashing it out of the clay jugs telling me it's infinite
laughing kissing me im on your chest. we're not saying anything but we're using the rain like morse code. my rain says i love you, yours says something about a flying squirrel.
i laugh because you're weird and then you kiss my third eye.
it makes so much sense, it fits so perfectly, it fills all the gel electrophoresis reservoirs.
its a spider watching her eggs it's like when fluorine finds hydrogen, that's exactly what it is!
it's a really high charge finding a molecular body that brings it back to equilibrium, that's what this is!
so i don't care what anyone says because they obviously don't understand molecular orbital theory.