I smile as the world is engulfed in flames We all knew this was coming We never tried to stop it Maybe we had wishful thinking That we were different We were innocent to our actions No effects to our cause This is the world's pyre for its enemies We will be cleansed from existence The world will have a fresh start A clean slate Maybe this is a good thing No, this is a good thing This is what we deserve We have set the world of fire for millions of years Now we are being returned the favor Shouldn't we love the heat That scorches our faces That melts our skin like wax That turns us to dust To fall and intertwine with the earth To be rooted into the soil To smother the plants no longer I looked at my hands They are melting away The sweet and aromatic smell of decay fills the air It is pleasantly suffocating My eyes rise to the fire Devouring the world in a manic hunger Sparing no one I feel my face begin to melt My mouth turns upward My head lifts towards the sky My mouth opens And the fire enters my body Eating me from the inside Tearing apart my bones and drinking the marrow Sipping my blood like a divine wine Eating my organs as if I am its last meal I start to decay and rot My ashes mixing with the dirt Breathing life into the plants and Earth This is what we deserve