Twisted, tangled, platted scard, bark roots growing up, aiming for the stars, from humble springtime shoot, the beer bottle, chlorophyll conopy framed the stars and hung on the sky for you and me to see your mules lay sleeping, and my worn out boots, 20 toes on 4 feet stand casually aloof, This half past, bed time, ink soaked, sultry night, plots to **** our foot loose, fancy , child free, single lives, by night a citrus soaked, aromatic breeze makes music on its way as it mingles with the leaves that dress the trees A barn owl holidays inside a hole who is he to twit twoo or even hoot to us to go the river oozes easy to the sea Opal blue twists and turns corners into aqua green Whip crack lightning lassoos across the sky a prophet for a thunder storm at war near by come morning has broke its going to break my heart to lose this poetry, this painting this supernatural dark