I don’t miss you when it’s cold I don’t miss you tears welling in my eyes I don’t miss you with heated anger burning my face I don’t miss you with a head clouded from fear and loneliness I don’t miss you when the icy wind freezes my toes under a sky depressingly gray I miss you when the sun is out I miss you when I can’t stop grinning over a joke I miss you with a bright smile I miss you when it’s warm and the water is calm and the cumulus clouds roll slowly across the sky I miss you in my first sip of coffee I miss you in the warmth of a blanket I miss you in every funny, exciting, wonderful, and stupidly hilarious moment I miss you when things are good, because if you were there it would be better So I don’t know how to feel entirely happy, because every time I’m really happy I get a little sad too