He uses songs and lyrics others have written to voice how he feels; to make it real. I write my own in verse and poem, lyrics and rhymes. They aren't always pretty and rarely shine; but they are mine.
I thought that I was fine, that I was alright. After all, I've been here before. Been there, Done that, Got the t-shirt, So I should be okay, right?
Anger, grief, shame and fear are never that easy though; I should have known...
Yet what happened isn't what's on repeat in my mind. No, what's on a loop inside my brain is a name; Always the same. A name that carries with it so much joy, pain and peace. I know... I know that if I talked to him that I would stop reeling. Yet I can't. Can't call or message, besides, what would I say? "I'm sorry, I'm broken again?"
Maybe I would tell him the truth, the whole horrid truth about that day; I know he'd agree to listen and keep the fear and pain at bay, that was his way. I know. I know that he would make it easier despite not being his burden to bare. I can't call or message the dead, So I guess I'll just keep repeating his name inside my head. Repeat it until I'm no longer broken, Or until I join the life that was stolen - Dead.