I wonder what it would feel like if you loved me in the same way that I love you, calling just to say I’m on your mind or writing me drawn out amorous poems.
I wonder what it would feel like if you loved me in the same way that I love you, with thoughts of me overtaking your beauty sleep or making it impossible to crave any other.
I wonder what it would feel like if you loved me in the same way that I love you, effortlessly giving your all because anything less would be average or living as if every single day was still the honeymoon stage.
I wonder what it would feel like if you loved me in the same way that I love you, realizing that one weekend of not speaking can slowly turn into our weak end or remembering who's truly important even on the busiest of days. I wonder what it would feel like..
Then my wonder begins to wander as I slowly whisper to myself the only line I remember from that purple book sitting on my nightstand,