I feel like I am falling And floating At the same time I look down on my hands And they look like a strangers I speak And an unfamiliar voice escapes I look in a mirror That's not me
The streetlights turn on Grayscale And yellow And humming At the same time People walk by Their voices muffled And blended And tossed around
I'm not real But they are They aren't real But I am What is happening
The world is going to fast But standing still At the same time
My eye twitches But these eyes aren't mine I am watching myself As if I'm a character in a movie I watch my eye twitch
Who is in the mirror? It's not me Just a ghost A spirit who never got to exist
The lights flicker In a pitch dark room The silence Is so loud It pierces my ears I shriek In a voice That never was mine And never will be I really hope this isn't real