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Aug 2010
The fear of the serpent was and is a mighty man
Always in thought, Doing all that he can
His life forever, His spirit shall not be trounced
His name preceeds him, No need to be announced
His enemies consider him the bane of existence
But for his crew and his love he will always go the distance
In battle he only knows persistence
When attacked in dire straights,he shows full resistance
His ship his steed, a symbol of death to evil
strikes fear into his foes, they know he will go medieval
From slaying the mighty kraken in the ocean blue
Its beak a good luck charm and its eyes a stew
With spear in hand he ran its heart through
His aim is unmatched, his throw always true
To the trodden a hero, to the masses a god
His methods unorthodox and to some maybe odd
But to catch his oppoenents of gaurd is his tactic
Always surprising, his will is galactic
This was an attempt at an epic poem, but I could not get past introducing the epic ship captain
Sean Keane
Written by
Sean Keane  Hicksville
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