We talk about trees, colours, snow and flowers Without realising the beauty of life around us Never once releasing the inner meanings of being Disregarding the emotions within for fear of reality
Within the multiplicity of individual leaves exists a primordial ‘leaf’ On the model of which all leaves have been woven, drawn and circumscribed wrinkled and painted But by a clumsy hand In such a way that no exemplar would seem to be correct And reliable as a faithful copy of the original shape
We walk around feelings of love and devotion, betrayal and death Without realising the beauty of life within us Never once releasing the deeper meanings of love Disregarding the emotions within for fear of rejection
Within the complexity of individual souls exist a primordial ‘soul’ On the blueprint of which all souls have been composed and constrained Furrowed and painted But by a clumsy hand In such a way that no paradigm would seem to be correct And reliable as a faithful reproduction of the original shape