God, if You are there answer me, I beg You. Why me? I am drowning in feelings, a storm of dark emotions, they churn in my chest, make me sick.
I can't even close my eyes, night is a cruel witness. Food lies still, untouched, its journey incomplete. Smiles have become strangers to my weary face.
When these feelings flood my soul, There is no one to listen, no arms to hold me, no voice to say, “I’m here for you.” no whisper to promise, “Everything will be alright.”
Why me? Why do You leave me alone? Why must I bear this weight alone while others find their solace, their ‘one-hour person’?
I can't. I'm so tired. Why am I still here? What do You want from me? If you said that I have an unfinished task, a purpose waiting in the shadows, tell me now. I’ll do it right now, I swear if it means release.
As a fragile being, forgive me this weakness. I’m shattered and so ******* done.