Drank into my thoughts again I’m not thinking about life I’m thinking about you And how much I miss you. And not just because of how much time has passed Since we last exchanged meaningful words I just miss you and every version of you every version you’ve shown Down to the emotional undertones Part of me wonders if I said or did something wrong. I sometimes wonder where you’ve gone. Did I let life get in the way for too long? Oh how I miss our endless days Now we cook and have bills to pay I wish someone told me that as you grow older You’d miss when you were young Where the only things that mattered Were colored pencils, friends, and bubble gum You told me once that you were scared to slip away from everyone and everything you love. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve done that. I miss exchanging thoughts and the excitement of life. It’s hurts to think Do you make time to exchange them with others? I just want a cup of you But you pour yourself into other things Maybe I haven’t offered you a refill “Maybe next week” turns into “Maybe next month” “Maybe next time” “One day” “Hope you’re doing well” “See you when I see you” Until I don’t anymore But it’s ok At least I tell myself that it is The more I say it the less I believe it Because the truth is I miss you I miss feeling full to the brim I miss existing in your universe And I miss being your friend