i do understand how much my Gender suffers in this slum that we call a world. but please excuse my language when I speak of the men, You must have mistaken for cattle. Mummy don’t you say that he is the same as me? Why do you treat him differently? Why is he kicked around for a mistake that another person on another continent did to another woman that happened 56 years ago? Why is he blamed Why is he put down for something that he has no control of. Why is he pushed around every time he wants to touch me. maybe he does not want to **** me, mummy. Maybe he wants to caress me. He is not a pig, Mummy. Give him a chance to do something other than sit silently. He is not a rag, mummy.
Don’t you preach about Equality? then why do you run off bashing men screaming kicking shutting off any male that tries to settle with me.
Don’t you say he is the same as me? Why is He treated as less than Me?
i know that i will get bashed for this because feminists and stuff but yeah. I said what I had to say.