Go my in book, looked for you,
That way a ****, at well to much.
Go me so lock, what is for you,
So in the lock, for me so good.
Gan my to you, so ing for me,
That way a so, you tich for get.
That in for you, my no its book,
So much for you, so end the lock.
Go to the boy, american joy,
Setting for your, so ind for me.
They way its no, go my so lone,
Then to in joke, late way its work.
Go tear so, munching for need,
That in so good, looked for get.
That in my touch, look in for good,
That in so touch my in so good.
Fate my so you, so ing for need,
That it for you, so much in bed.
Go my you look, for get it you,
So to you go, that it for you.