No, I walk my dog. OK. We walk together. Well, she's a head (or too) Front and frontly she Churns her little doggy Feet white fur furry furrier Huge brown eyes full of (What goes on in a dog's mind?) I don't know and I don't Care - this little adorbs Creature is full of ****, invisible ***, Mischief, gratitude, Lovely loyalty, Warm snuggles (sometimes) I wake and her nose might be in my armpit (Pity the creature who Stumbles upon THAT) Just a furry bundle of joy My dog. My Goobie.
Time times Seven; 35, 36, ageing At the emotional Metabolical rate, Seconds flying by Like birds turned into Hours of sleep while We work, dreams, Dreaming of... Probably table scraps, Wayward chicken bones Or other things our Pathetically inadequate Snooters fail to notice
Tears well up as the time, Precious time between Walkers and Walked Is reduced to (sigh)