One online msg of challan Created a hot wave at home Son was happy It was not his He caught his sister for a challan of rupees thousand A friend of her was sitting without helmet behind her
Husband started giving instructions very loudly Buy two helmets Each of you if you had to carry someone with you
They replied annoyingly Not very practical dad Who will keep, where to keep Two helmets together
Son again replied Chill dad Not very big issue It could happen to anyone after all friends are friends 'ma will pay for it' Hubby looked furious at me
I tried to calm everyone
Sent my daughter to her room to finish her charts which she had to prepare for her teaching
Told my son "You go for bathing Geyser is showing red You need not to be happy If it is not your challan this time"
"Everyone please leave this room It is time for my kids of tution" Hubby left the room by saying "Traffic rules are rules to be followed religiously"
Everyone took dispersal on my appeal for children
It was traffic rule offence Although my daughter always follow rules But one of her friend insisted her to drop her a place which was few yards away.