It’s not true, you know The things you say to me I didn’t do that That wasn’t what I meant I am not that You are wrong.
But I can’t tell you that. I can’t open my mouth, Or I’m being “disrespectful” Can’t show emotion Or I’m looking at you “wrong” Can’t set boundaries Or I “don't care” Can’t fight back Or I’m “mean” Can’t stand up for myself Or I’m acting “hateful” Can’t be angry at you Or I’m just “angry at the world” I can’t speak up Because then I’m “talking back”
Stop it, Just let me talk.
Some (not all) parents teach their kids that talking up is talking back. And of course there is a difference, and some things are actually talking back. But on the other hand, there are a lot of things that aren't actually talking back. Like speaking up for yourself, or not just taking everything quietly. Sometimes parents think they are helping their child by "disciplining" them, but in reality they are just silencing them. Parents can yell and scream at a child and that's perfectly fine, that's "parenting" And yet, if kids were to yell back or challenge it, it's "disrespectful"? "Mean"? Because "they're your parents", right? And kids can't be "mean" to parents even if parents are mean to them, correct?