Seems fitting like a good thing to have you in a poem forever the kids that weren’t mine or me no matter how much I wanted us to feel like family
Seems fitting to dream P. up a star playing for a big soccer league on a field surrounded by admirers for his smile, his wit his laughter
And would he remember me the Elsa girl who watched funny animals with him so he would smile, left behind from a trip one of the so very few the kids here ever get
and you what to even write? the swings the ocean the waves of your spirit the strength, dare I say that made you up from scratch on dark days the dreams that kept you up, and up, and up
and just like a shudder you both came and left leaving your steps in the hallways of here leaving your faces embedded in my heart taking with you all the good things I wanted you to take
all good things like the dreams of success, of power, of happiness, of love, of truth, and redemption