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Oct 2013
To the man in my dreams,
I don't know who you are
or where you came from.
I don't even know your name
but I know that I have madly
fallen for you.
You meet me in a place where I created, My dreams.
They said dreams aren't reality
but you just seem so real.
The way you held me at the beach
with the fire burning low
with you as my source of heat.
The way you made me feel safe when we were surfing
in Australia, a country foreign to me.
The way your blue eyes sparkle when you saw me
in my royal blue gown on our date.
I am gonna believe that somewhere out there
you are dreaming of me too.
you might be a million miles away
in different time zone
but in this place, in my head and yours, we are in sync.
I will see you one day.
We will  meet.
I might be married by that time.
I might already have children
and have a different guy in my heart
but I will know you.
I might not be in love with you anymore
but I will remember you.
I will remember the nights I spent with you
and we will see each other and smile
at the memories we have but never shared.
I will remember you for you are my dream boy.
Not really a poem more of a story. Sorry I just want to express how I feel. I hope you like it.
Pam Naomi
Written by
Pam Naomi
   Sam Lauzon
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