I’d pray my skins off just cover my family’s Back – yet as I pen these thoughts, my mind drifts To the shadows of my own depression…
Is it the root of my anguish, or perhaps the spark That ignites my pen into a fierce weapon?
I find myself asking how highly people must think Of me, and that’s a thought that always brings me so low. Acting so ahead of myself but not knowing where I should go – the ideal version of myself I envisioned At four years old, had me happily married by twenty-four.
Yet, I struggle to see my own worth in the eyes of any woman. I constantly search for hidden reasons why relationships Falter, and it seems that’s why they often do.… still, I’d trade my skins to shield those I cherish, even if it Were only for a fleeting moment.
Is this merely a misguided sense of humility, Or is it a deeper issue of not being able to love myself? I feel uncomfortable in my own skins