I have been standing at attention for so long that it hurts It hurts so much that I can't feel nothing My mother said to me that the key to stand longer was to make it numb Once numb you can't feel a thing
My mother has been standing for 23 years so why can't I? I'm trying to break a record A record that breaks me tears me to my flesh and bones
My sister stood at attention for 8 years ...then she broke Broke faster than glass to the floor Broke so fast that no one saw it coming She stood at ease Opening the gate and letting the flood out She was as powerful as the mighty flood that sweeps across the earth's surface They couldn't hold her down no longer Till date, she never stood at attention again
Yet here I am with all my weight placed on the ***** of my feet Blisters eating at the corners of my life My heart know no peace for I am at alert at all times I have stood so long that the pests now feed on me A willing feast
One day, maybe just one day I'll stand at ease The lion will awaken but for now, the numbness is my best companion The harshness of the society, my commander So here's a record for you I have stood at attention for 16 years.