A vehement deity, father of a carpenter, and proprietor of creationism, looked down upon his work, both literally and figuratively. When an ecosystem falls to the egocentricity of man, a vessel will be sought, and contained is the righteousness of a mortal.
Serenity became inclination, and with loss of the feminine beauty came regret. For sin masqueraded as black clouds, and whether change occurs, torrential rain begets growth in an environment. Wash over the sins of the ******; what is current can only be exposed as a fallacy when revelation is prevalent, and save for the innocent: innocuous.
Even in Hell a cyprus tree would be surrounded by wildflowers. Noah knew not of damnation, and with calloused hands raised to the sky, a hammer came crashing down.
Not unlike stone tablets etched with command, the world lay on granite, with a universal epitaph. For Noah to ignore his destiny would be blasphemous.