Love is patient, Love is kind. Love sees only the truth, and leaves the past behind.
Love is only in this moment, only and always in this moment, through and through,
Love is the light that shines through the brick wall between me and you.
Where are you hiding, Oh Lover? Behind a pile of rubble and poetry. But you know, deep down inside, you can never escape me - Me - holding a memory of the truth between us the moment where you saw me, and I saw you and we saw each other, together
and in that moment, there was a Spark of Life.
And I fell in! And I went blind.
And it could have been the best experience of all time.
And then afterwards, reveling in the memory but you, in a daze, returning to your old ways.
How long will I have to wait for you to remember the truth?
The truth, that is the light that shines THROUGH the wall between me and you
But all I know, as long as I have to wait,
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love only sees the truth, and leaves the past behind.