Your voice is full of butterfly wings. I feel them on my cheeks when you laugh, And in my fingertips when you sing. You have a power, You could make the world a wonderland With those expressive eyes of yours, That somehow keep all the sad inside so that the world may be safe. Someday You will make something so beautiful That its brilliance will match all the darkness that lives in the holes of your life And scrub clean the corners of dusty pain that you can't bare to clean out, And you will find that in your dreams You can dance in the sunshine with all the joy you have been robbed of, With the woman who brought you here to warm our hearts And spare us our tears. Someday it will be your turn To feel the comfort You radiate like sunlight, And we will all reflect it back, blinding and diamond clear, And you will drown in the love of a grateful world. Thank you for your beauty. Thank you for your smiles. Thank you for your pain. Thank you for your compassion. Thank you for your vitality. Thank you for your eccentricity. Thank you for your courage. Whatever you are looking for, may you find it all and more.