The story of Cinderella in the earlier times, didn't always have a HAPPY ENDING, well, for Cinderella and the Prince, YES!!! but for the stepsisters, it was RATHER DISTURBING. What was told was FANTASTIC, on the other hand was DRASTIC. Instead of glass slippers, it was depicted SQUIRREL FUR SLIPPERS. As, gruesome as it sounds, such a horrid SITUATION, the STEPSISTERS tricked the prince by inflicting SELF-AMPUTATIONS. They did this to themselves so, their feet would fit the SLIPPERS. But, through the HEAVENLY DOVES, the prince realized the bleeding of their SELF-INFLICTED AMPUTATIONS. When it was all said and done, Cinderella was the one, they had both fell in Love that Night. The Dove plucked out there eyes, it was not suprise that the Stepsisters have lost their Sight!!!