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And the pain makes us write about the pain we feel
In not being able to feel the pain of a love
That will never be born.

Stuck where everything floats and moves away
A red buoy in a open blue sea.

Just a red dot in the blue.
It doesn't matter whether it's a sky or a sea,
but that red dot burns in my chest.
The desire to be anonymous. To feel the desire.
We pretend that there is nothing else outside the time of a step.

And for a moment

I feel like I'm floating like that buoy, on a sidewalk.
While my steps next to yours slow down
and last an interminable time.
I doubt whether I'm walking.

I think of intertwining lives and moments that bring us here.
For unknown reasons.
Something decides to choose us,
Two individuals who need to collide in the course of their existence.
The accidental impact of two moving bodies.  

A Moment.

Does everything fade away after the wait?
Is this why I still remain?  Am I a buoy?

What keeps you tied?
Maybe is the thread, whose existence everyone denies?
The thread you can't see under kilometers of water
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