Hey pineapple Its only been a few hours since you left My chapstick fell over on the nightstand Was that you? Did you bump that on the way out of our room? The tiny ***** popped out of my glasses Did you do that too?
Hey pineapple I walked past the empty middle room that was going to be yours just now And grief hit me like a brick in the chest I hurried past I don’t like looking in there right now
Hey pineapple I made my tea this morning like a drinking bird Just dipping the steeper into the water mechanically Staring intently at nothing Like you had your tiny hands over my eyes I have caught myself doing that a lot this morning
Hey pineapple The house feels a lot stiller now But there is no peace here I can already feel my despair turning into rage At everything and nothing
Hey pineapple Sorry I keep reaching out to you Your mom keeps saying “I feel dead inside” We have to keep walking in on each other crying And numbly holding each other Everything is numb
Hey pineapple I know I already said it But I’m sorry