I KNEW IT WOULD BE NEVER. * It’s Rough to Admit you pushed Truth away, especially when it’s near . Overtaken by a clouded mind that wouldn’t see it clear. Shaken, frozen in place, forcing a smile born of recurring fear. Tentatively advising HER(?), while whistling past the hollow “Follow not your heart”, sounding not profound , a magic rescue won’t appear, as I hear my futile diction trying hard to steer a tired fiction to her inattentive ear. Measure not the figment dance , nor the ticking clock of scant romance , knowing rare chance For love real has disappeared Realizing my dream prepared was still very much untaken Leaping into just a wishful thinking trust? a flawed presumption and sadly so mistaken Freshly bruised , Neatly brushed, newly wise, now must adjust , design function search to find true love robust and not forsaken. Bobby O