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Oct 2013
“Take me away.”
she begs of you,
and oh how you would,
if not for..
what? for me?
for you?
for everything.

funny thing,
about being in love,
with yourself:
there’s no room,
for anything else;
for everything else.

“Where?” does not matter,
for wherever she will find:
You are outside expectation,
and she outside comfort; control,

and y’all may not realize it, but
you won’t ever find yourselves there;
only what’s left of that being,
when it differs not from everything,

no need to discuss “when?”
the time is only now,
and now is your chance;
to exit the womb,
join the fireflies,
up, up, and..

always ahead,
a quiet mind,
and freedom to move,
flourish, to be;
not only what you are,
but not as well;
Written by
SomethingRascal  Earth
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