What defines us? the possessions we own or the people we trust the silk that we've sown or our desires and lust our actions in life or the words before death adversity and strife or what took our last breath are any of these valid? like pieces of a salad or are none true like light to a shrew is it motivation and drive ambitions that makes us strive for our goals before we lose time and meet the end of our lives must we dive deep past the mind in order to find the secret shrine that hides its kind is my soul me? or does it act like me for you see this question diminishes any desire in finishing this extinguishing life for if I know not who am how will I know who to be what if I am a stagnant man or erratic like the sea what if you put a brand with which I do not agree will I carry this image for the rest of days and who are you to judge there is no merit in your say! our view is our own maybe Nietzsche was right personal truth is our home there is no need to fight I am here and I am me nothing else matters may Descartes smile in death for my illusion is shattered