And so one day we met and you let me into your garden you showed me all your flowers we watered them together some you resisted some you openly accepted Even the flowers you didn't notice initially you let us water them you had the courage to take out the wretched weeds they were taking over some of the other plants, anyway
You cleared space gentle countenance, planted new beginnings Some weeds grew back this time you wore special gloves to remove them you didn't get gashed like before you were even gracious to the weeds You honoured their growth knew the time ensued for their parting for if not they would usurp enshroud
You watered and watered Your flowers expanded radiated unearthed their redolence
Became the gardener Celebrated the seasons it took to uncover the contours of gardening
Your garden inflorescence Maintained
Now your resting place not a menacing thicket
Your refuge alcove
To all those on the voyage to heal their traumas and burdens, sowing their renewal with the fortitude to vulnerably seek support —honorary social beings.