What is perfection? What defines being perfect? It eats a massive hole inside of me A super massive black hole So I try to fill the void with meaningless unrealistic words Told by the famous, the rich, Of unrealistic lives Unrealistic perfect lives Where one goes through trial, and tribulation But in the end, everything is perfect Perfect human in a perfect world with a perfect life and perfect clothes and a perfect unflawed masterpiece of perfection Perfect perfect perfect But everyone falls short of the idealistic life that everyone so desperately wants Or what everyone expects Don't have time for this Or this Or for you Or for thinking, Breathing Because only a couple numbers and letters determine the rest of your life Or so they think You will have perfect test scores Perfect grades Perfect GPA And if something happens, it'll turn out perfect anyways But perfection is only in the mind So tick tock Tick Tock The bell rings at 2:15 And gives you only a short time To find perfection And live perfectly