I was fascinated by you for some time,
Your looks and movements sent me in to my own personal wave of pleasure.
It was like being aroused, a guilty pleasure only I felt and knew about.
But, as I struggled to let you go,
Forget the past and live in the present,
I vowed personally to let you go.
I did,
A goal I feel accomplished by,
But as I found out you knew,
I could feel myself loath you.
The way you told everyone that I liked you,
Calling me obsessed ,
Talking about yourself as if you were God's own gift.
It stopped me,
Stopped the guilty pleasures,
The secret stares and the forbidden thoughts.
Now, I feel hatred.
You think you are God's own gift .
The world revolves around you .
So..I will tell you the truth.
The brutal honest truth.
You are not gods own gift.
You my friend, no not friend, acquaintance,
You are a selfish person.
You use people to get your own way.
Your temper makes people afraid of you.
And personally, I would rather be sick,
Than give you the satisfaction in thinking,
You are God's greatest gift.
This isn't my normal style. This is more of a rant and some may find it harsh, but this is how I express myself.