I have a confession to make; that I go to sleep every night hoping you'll visit me in my dreams that I like smelling your hoodie when you're not with me just to make sure you weren't a dream- that blue punch-buggies make me laugh and sour green apple Jolly Ranchers make me smile (by the way, my last two cavities are all your fault) I confess that I read over our conversations so I can hear your voice, and play back every kiss we've ever shared- That I think of you when I'm sad when I'm excited when I'm angry when I'm happy And oh, before I forget, I stole your flip-flops the day before you left- sorry I was going to return them- honest. And by the way, I do confess that I miss you a rather lot.
Any comments greatly appreciated, especially suggestions - no poem is perfect. Thanks for reading. (: