my curls your reins. the sky dripping with pure happiness
the horizon a sheer line of nothing but joy
I gallop off into the infinity of this one and only moment
the centaur of my little brother's world
now you are in your pudgy phase and I can only carry
you on my back. I tell you you are my koala bear
you like the sound of that "I'm a Coca Cola bear!" you chant
"Yeah..." I huff "...right!" I puff you too heavy
You ask me if you are "...too heavy?" "Not a bit!"I lie
field after field I carry you through that summer
"Huffpuffhuffpuffhuffpuff!" I turn my breath into song. "Huffpuffhuffpuffhuffpuff!"
"You ain't heavy... ...your'e my brother!" I sing you
now I carry you within me as the living must
carry their dead our memory
light as a feather resting upon the soul
your death too hard for me to bear
I carry you through fields of summer you will never see
"Am I too heavy for you?" your voice echoes inside my mind
"No...!" I lie you smile knowing now...I lie
"You ain't heavy...." I feel his little hands tugging on the reins
of my curls ". . .you are my Brian!"
Just a tiny slight moment that makes it through all the storms of the past to arrive insignificant but so beautiful and tender. It's funny the little things that carrying him as a little boy and gradually the growing up and still the same act of carrying him and singing to him. Now of course I carry him everywhere within me...his death such a hard burden to bear and carry...don't know if I am strong enough.