dust on the fossils the soft patina of time a wet fingertip makes them shine
ammonites and echinoids are her friends she hasn't any human friends
500 million years just a snip
she scrapes the humans off the landscape imagines glaciers out for a stroll
a fossil perched upon a piano absorbing the music
the grandfather clock ( each second long as an age ) at odds with the cuckoo clock
its half past a millenium or two
the little yellow road threading itself through the countryside the patchwork quilt of fields
at the end of the road the moon waiting patiently for her to catch up
I tried to contain time in all its many facets whether it be told by fossil or in human terms or by clock or by clocks that have lost time or clocks that have time on their hands or however we humans tried to gauge it...and so...it goes.....the tick of the tock.