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Oct 2013
I do not believe the universe is infinite
science can explain many things
and while I know my thoughts are nothing more than synapses firing
connections being made
neural sparks
hormones flooding
it is strange because I am thinking
and at the same time I am aware of the chemical processes that are really thinking for me
and my eyes well up with tears and my body betrays me
I do not know what is truthful
is infinity a real number, is there a curved steel wall surrounding our universe
I think my thoughts and realize with a sense of dread that none of them are original
we are the million monkeys at a million typewriters, except it's not one million, it's infinity
we chance upon beauty, it is one in an infinity
I am nothing more than a product
a link in a chain
a predicable formula
I will not be that
I refuse to be what you ascribe me to
You think I will obey
I most likely will
Soul asunder
Secret surrender
Written by
Olivia Amelia
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